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As part of the CIP 101 course, Eylem Karakaya, the founder of EYKA Education Center, gave Sexual and Reproductive Health trainings on April 2 and May 16, 2024. During the training, women’s and men's reproductive systems, sexual health, the effects of gender on sexual health, sexually transmitted diseases, the symptoms of these diseases, ways of, transmission and prevention, policies and laws on sexual and reproductive health were discussed.

As part of the CIP 101 course, the Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation (TAP Foundation) organized Introduction to Sexual Rights and Concepts Workshops in 2023. In these workshops, sexual rights and safe sexuality issues were addressed and comprehensive sexuality education was provided.

Can Köse from the Tics and Tourette Syndrome Volunteers of Turkey gave an online seminar about tic disorder and tourette syndrome to CIP 101 students on May 11, 2023.

As part of the World Health Week, Funda Etan from the Foundation for Children with Leukemia (LÖSEV) held the "Battle with Cancer Begins with Awareness" seminar on Thursday, April 13. In the seminar, basic information was given on leukemia, cancer, clean environment and healthy living, and then LÖSEV's work in this field and the concept of volunteering at LÖSEV were explained.

Within the scope of the CIP 101 course, volunteer sports instructors organized a sports event for İhsan Hayriye Hürdoğan Primary School students at Kartal Sportial Club on June 7, 2022. With this event, it was aimed to establish the culture of doing sports in the society as a requirement of a healthy and active life and to introduce children to sports by making them love sports.

Psychologist Ersin Bayramkaya gave a seminar on “My Stress and Me: Understanding and Living with Stress” seminar to supervisor and overvisor students at SabancıDx on February 23, 2020.

IV. National Conference on Awareness was held on November 12, 2019 at Sakıp Sabancı Museum, The Seed with the slogan “Together We are Stronger than HIV” under the sponsorship of Gilead and moderated by Cüneyt Özdemir. After the opening speech of Sabancı University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Fuat Keyman, Dr. Jose M. Zuniga, President of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC), summarized their work in the field. After the opening speeches, the first screening of the documentary “HIV in Turkey” was held. After the screening, the panel “Where are we on HIV in Turkey?” was organized and examples of good practices on HIV/AIDS education in universities were shared.

On October 10, 2019, a seminar was held at the Sabancı University campus in cooperation with the Alzheimer's Foundation and A-Dora Nursing Homes in order to inform Sabancı University students and employees about Alzheimer's disease. In the seminar, Alzheimer's Foundation Board Member Prof. Dr. Turgay Çelik and A-Dora Nursing Homes Manager Aynur Gökkaya talked about Alzheimer's, dementia, tricks in communication with Alzheimer's patients, safety precautions to be taken in Alzheimer's disease, where and how care services should be provided in Alzheimer's disease.


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