CIP is Looking for New Supervisors

Be A Supervisor! 

CIP is looking for new supervisors. If you want to work as a supervisor in CIP as of the next term, you can apply by filling out the form from here on May 2-10, 2024. 

Criteria for supervisor selections:

  • Successfully completed the CIP101 course or will be completed at the end of 2023-2024 Spring semester 

  • Not being a senior student 

  • Being sensitive to social issues 

  • Being open to learning peer leadership

  • Interviews will take place physically.

You are expected to meet the criteria of being ready to fulfill the responsibilities of being a supervisor. 


Filling the Form: You can access the form here. 

Interviews: After the forms are evaluated, group interviews will be held between May 15-21 and one-on-one interviews will be held between May 23-29. You will be contacted again for the interview dates.

Supervisor Election