CIP is Looking for New Supervisors
Be A Supervisor!
CIP is looking for new supervisors. If you want to work as a supervisor in CIP as of the next term, you can apply by filling out the form from here on December 4-10, 2024.
Criteria for supervisor selections:
Successfully completed the CIP101 course or will be completed at the end of 2024-2025 Fall semester
Not being a senior student
Being sensitive to social issues
Being open to learning peer leadership
Interviews will take place physically.
You are expected to meet the criteria of being ready to fulfill the responsibilities of being a supervisor.
Filling the Form: You can access the form here.
Interviews: After the forms are evaluated, group interviews will be held between December 16-20 and one-on-one interviews will be held between December 23-29. You will be contacted again for the interview dates.